javascript - RewriteRule with url params -

i know there's thousand duplicate posts this, nothing has worked me far.

i'm trying use rewrite rule transform /articulo.html?id=friendly-url /articulo/friendly-url

this i've used in .htaccess without success:

rewriteengine on rewriterule ^articulo/(.*)$ /articulo.html?id=$1 [l] 


this js looks id param:

var geturlparameter = function geturlparameter(sparam) {     var spageurl = decodeuricomponent(,         surlvariables = spageurl.split('&'),         sparametername,         i;         console.warn(spageurl);         console.warn(surlvariables);      (i = 0; < surlvariables.length; i++) {         sparametername = surlvariables[i].split('=');          if (sparametername[0] === sparam) {             return sparametername[1] === undefined ? true : sparametername[1];         }     } }; 

try this,

options -multiviews  rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewriterule ^articulo/(.*)$ articulo.html?id=$1 [l] 


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