activemq failover using multiple instances in master slave mode on same linux machine -

i have setup activemq mulitple instances achieve failover in master slave mode in windows. while setting same created 3 instances under bin folder without changing port , started 3 instances 1 one. first instance became master , remaining in slave mode until stopped master instance.

now trying achieve same in linux environment. first instance starts when start second instance in different window throws below error:

error | failed start apache activemq ([instance2, id:132vm6-57227-1478597606120-0:1], transport connector not registered in jmx: failed bind server socket: tcp:// due to: address in use) info | apache activemq 5.14.0 (instance2, id:132vm6-57227-1478597606120-0:1) shutting down info | connector openwire stopped info | connector amqp stopped info | connector stomp stopped info | connector mqtt stopped info | connector ws stopped info | pliststore:[/opt/apache-activemq-5.14.0/bin/instance2/data/instance2/tmp_storage] stopped info | stopping async queue tasks info | stopping async topic tasks info | stopped kahadb info | apache activemq 5.14.0 (instance2, id:132vm6-57227-1478597606120-0:1) uptime 0.585 seconds info | apache activemq 5.14.0 (instance2, id:132vm6-57227-1478597606120-0:1) shutdown info | closing org.apache.activemq.xbean.xbeanbrokerfactory$1@4233871a: startup date [tue nov 08 15:03:24 ist 2016]; root of context hierarchy warn | exception thrown lifecycleprocessor on context close java.lang.illegalstateexception: lifecycleprocessor not initialized - call 'refresh' before invoking lifecycle methods via context: org.apache.activemq.xbean.xbeanbrokerfactory$1@4233871a: startup date [tue nov 08 15:03:24 ist 2016]; root of context hierarchy @[spring-context-4.1.9.release.jar:4.1.9.release] @[spring-context-4.1.9.release.jar:4.1.9.release] @[spring-context-4.1.9.release.jar:4.1.9.release] @[activemq-spring-5.14.0.jar:5.14.0] @[activemq-broker-5.14.0.jar:5.14.0] @ org.apache.activemq.xbean.xbeanbrokerservice.stop([activemq-spring-5.14.0.jar:5.14.0] @[activemq-broker-5.14.0.jar:5.14.0] @ org.apache.activemq.xbean.xbeanbrokerservice.afterpropertiesset([activemq-spring-5.14.0.jar:5.14.0] @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke0(native method)[:1.7.0_65] @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke([:1.7.0_65] @ sun.reflect.delegatingmethodaccessorimpl.invoke([:1.7.0_65] @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke([:1.7.0_65]

i using activemq 5.14 version. if has encountered similar issue, kindly provide inputs.

to multiple instances of activemq running on same machine, need change ports try open. there (at least) 3 ports need changed:

  • the transportconnector ports accept messaging traffic. these defined in theactivemq.xml file. typically need openwire 1 - 61616 default; change in other activemq instances 61626, 61636 etc. can comment out others if don't intend use them.
  • the jetty http port. defined in jetty.xml file. default 8161, set next ones 8162, 8163 etc.
  • the jmx port. one's bit tricky, need stick piece of config activemq.xml explicitly define follows:

    <managementcontext>     <managementcontext createconnector="true" connectorport="1099"/> </managementcontext> 

you can change 1199, 1299 on other instances. hope helps.


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