ios - Create and custom one UIButton for multiple data -

i have array of content follow:

array = [name1,name2,name3...]

and want display these content on label of button. problem hardcore if array have many item , dont want create many button that. please can me findout way generate 1 common button instance these data. if array have 2 item, view display 2 buttons , on... thank much!

p/s: problem solved @janmenjaya answer, here code, still have little bit stuck y position.

func displayfilelist() {     in 0..<fileidlist.count {         let yref : cgfloat = 35         let title = string(fileidlist.indexof(i))         let button = uibutton(frame: cgrect(x: 0, y: yref * cgfloat(i), width: 919, height: 30))         button.settitle(title, forstate: uicontrolstate.normal)         button.settitlecolor(uicolor.blackcolor(), forstate: uicontrolstate.normal)         button.backgroundcolor = uicolor.yellowcolor()         button.layer.borderwidth = 1;         button.layer.bordercolor = uicolor.blackcolor().cgcolor         self.filebuttoncontainview.addsubview(button)     } } 

you can loop through array , create button programmatically dynamic title based on array contents.

follow sample code

sample code snippet :

    arrdata = nsmutablearray();      arrdata.addobject("test0");     arrdata.addobject("test1");     arrdata.addobject("test2");     arrdata.addobject("test3");     arrdata.addobject("test4");      var yref : cgfloat = 100      in 0..<arrdata.count{          let title = arrdata.objectatindex(i);          let btn = uibutton(type: .custom);         btn.frame = cgrectmake(100, yref, 100, 40);         btn.settitle(title as? string, forstate: uicontrolstate.normal)         btn.backgroundcolor = uicolor.graycolor();         self.view.addsubview(btn);          yref += cgrectgetheight(btn.frame) + 10;     } 

output : enter image description here

hope helps

happy coding ...


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