Empty request sent when querying on NEST 5.0.0-rc1 -
the problem no matter query i'm building, never sent elasticsearch. instance one:
_elasticclient.searchasync<costsearch>(d => d.query(q => q.match(f => f.field(c => c.agencytrackingno == costquery.query)) ) );
the request sent empty object, means i'm getting values index , type. can check on following logs:
[11:47:36 inf] post http://localhost:9200/costs/costsearch/_search request: {} status: 200
{"took":1,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":1,"successful":1,"failed":0},"hit s":{"total":1,"max_score":1.0,"hits":[{"_index":"costs","_type":"costsearch","_i d":"1","_score":1.0,"_source":{ "id": "-0897-98df7-df8-96", "title": "test cost", "budget": 12323.34, "contenttype": "photo", "agencytrackingno": "gl036001v", "agencyproducer": "grey, new york", "costowner": "john doe guid", "stage": "draft", "approvalstatus": "tobeapproved", "ionumber": "io123854b", "initiative": "gillete 2016", "budgetregion": "japan", "country": "countryid", "city": "cityid", "usergroups": ["1987", "1986"] } }]}
my bad, turns out misusing field selector.
_elasticclient.searchasync<costsearch>(d => d.query(q => q.match(f => f.field(c => c.agencytrackingno).query(costquery.query)) ) );
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