Compile Less files in Sass Gulp task -

in projects have several files - sass, less & css. need solution on how compile , assemble everything. it important can determine order.

it may be, in area "plugins" (see source file) less file added. need support less?

here current setup (without less):

source file: (master.scss)

    // variables         @import "../scss/_variables.scss";     // frameworks     // google font         @import ",300,600,700";         @import ",300,700)";     // icon font         @import "bower_components/font-awesome/scss/font-awesome.scss";     //  bootstrap         @import "bower_components/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss";     // plugins     // swiper - modern touch slider         @import "/bower_components/swiper/dist/css/swiper.min.css";     // lightgallery - customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery         @import "bower_components/lightgallery/src/sass/lightgallery.scss";     // bootstrap datetimepicker         @import "bower_components/eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker/src/sass/bootstrap-datetimepicker-build.scss";                   // default     //  advanced custom mixins         @import "../scss/_custom-mixins.scss";     //  used elements, such quotes, lists etc.         @import "../scss/_components.scss";     //  default styles (main file)         @import "../scss/_styles.scss";     //  responsive styles         @import "../scss/_responsive.scss"; 

gulp task:

gulp.task('sass', function() {   gulp.src('src/scss/master.scss')     .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) // shows in chrome developer tools, sass file contains style     .pipe(plumber({ errorhandler: notify.onerror('<%= error.message %>') })) // error notification desktop     .pipe(sass({}).on('error', sass.logerror)) // error text in terminal     .pipe(cleancss({         relativeto: './bower_components',         processimport: true     }))     .pipe(concat('master.css')) // merge sass & css 1 file     .pipe(autoprefixer({browsers: ['last 3 versions'], cascade: false }))     .pipe(cssnano()) // minify css     .pipe(sourcemaps.write('.'))     .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css/')) // output folder     .pipe(; // reload browse }); 


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