c# - ILSpy , NRefactory 'System.ArgumentException' -

i'm trying use dlls ildecompile 1 project, works fine of dlls i've tried decompile others i'm getting following error: unhandled exception of type 'system.argumentexception' occurred in icsharpcode.nrefactory.csharp.dll

i know error means have not find way fix/go around (since it's in dll).

i have used ildecompile , same dll throws above error works fine. can see in code of ilspy (that's using same dll) following piece of code:

if (child.parent != null)     {         throw new argumentexception("node used in tree.", "child");     } 

this have ...

static string decompile(string pathtoassembly)     {          string assemblyname = pathtoassembly;         decompilersettings settings = new decompilersettings();         settings.fullyqualifyambiguoustypenames = true;           var resolver = new defaultassemblyresolver();          resolver.addsearchdirectory(path.getdirectoryname(pathtoassembly));          var parameters = new readerparameters         {             assemblyresolver = resolver         };          assemblydefinition assembly1 = assemblydefinition.readassembly(assemblyname,parameters);          decompilercontext decompilercontext = new decompilercontext(assembly1.mainmodule) { settings = settings } ;          astbuilder decompiler = new astbuilder(decompilercontext);           try         {             decompiler.addassembly(assembly1);         }         catch (exception ex)         {             console.writeline($"failed resolve assembly: ");             console.writeline(ex.tostring());         }            stringwriter output = new stringwriter();         decompiler.generatecode(new plaintextoutput(output)); // < here's error thrown.   byte[] bytearray = encoding.ascii.getbytes(output.tostring());             textreader codereader = new streamreader(new memorystream(bytearray));             icsharpcode.decompiler.textoutputwriter test = new textoutputwriter(new plaintextoutput(output));             string line = codereader.readtoend();          return line;     } 


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