docusignapi - How to link Google Sheets and Docusign API with Google Scripts? -
i trying automatically send envelope docusign when google form submitted. have written following code in google script editor
// when form gets submitted function onformsubmit(e) { //get information form , set our variables var full_name = e.values[2]; var email_address = e.values[3]; // send email var subject = "test trigger"; var body = "thank testing" + full_name + ""; mailapp.sendemail(email_address, subject, body); var url = "<accountname>/envelopes"; var payload = { "emailsubject": "please sign stuff", "emailblurb": "testtexttesttexttesttexttesttexttesttext", "templateid": "7078020e-49a0-42c6-b77d-368211d4a666", "templateroles": [ { "rolename": "client", "name": full_name, "email": email_address }, { "rolename": "name", "name": "name", "email": "emailaddress" }, { "rolename": "name2", "name": "name2", "email": "emailaddress2" } ], "status": "sent" } var options = { "contenttype": "application/json", "method" : "post", "headers": { "x-docusign-authentication": "{\"username\":\"<username>\",\"password\":\"<pw>\",\"integratorkey\":\"<integratorkey>"}" }, "payload" : payload }; urlfetchapp.fetch(url, options); }
i following error message , seems there wrong formatting:
post<accountid>/envelopes tracetoken: 0304eb5f-1188-4880-a22c-861839f4e8d9 timestamp: 2016-10-25t09:40:49.0423980z content-length: 187 content-type: application/json connection: keep-alive host: user-agent: mozilla/5.0(compatible; google-apps-script) x-docusign-authentication: {"username":"<email>","password":"[omitted]","integratorkey":"[omitted]"} x-broker-event-id: ahi413wwv-vgelrqbopmqh-y6j-93ahl4h5phavpxexuqk8rsyof90eu68ci-lkc1ef4fm8hac-1 x-forwarded-for: x-securityprotocol-version: tlsv1.2 x-securityprotocol-ciphersuite: ecdhe-rsa-aes256-gcm-sha384 accept: application/json emailblurb=testtexttesttexttesttexttesttexttesttext&templateroles=%5bljava.lang.object;@3449f174&templateid=7078020e-49a0-42c6-b77d-368211d4a666&emailsubject=please+sign+stuff&status=sent 400 badrequest content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 { "errorcode": "invalid_request_body", "message": "the request body missing or improperly formatted. unexpected character encountered while parsing value: e. path '', line 0, position 0." }
any on how proceed great.
i think problem you're specifying submitting data in json format, , server presumably expecting in fact data not in format.
by default, when encountering javascript object argument payload
option, providing, apps script encode form data.
instead of specifying:
// payload js object , encoded formdata default "payload" : payload
you need specify:
// payload json representation of payload variable. "payload" : json.stringify(payload)
this should help.
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