SQLite Prepared Statements not Inserting if bind text contains dash -

i run problem text field of table cannot bind string containing dash. if remove or replace dash/dashes against character prepared , bind statement works fine.

here 2 code fragments. demo table "create table mytable (sometime text)"

//do not work... runs commit!! add nothing mytable int result = sqlite3_exec(validsqlite3, "begin;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (result != sqlite_ok)     return; sqlite3_stmt* stmt = nullptr; bool ok = true; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(validsqlite3, "insert mytable (sometime) values (?);", -1, &stmt, nullptr) != sqlite_ok)     ok = false; if (ok && sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, "2016-11-01 12:00:00", -1, sqlite_transient) != sqlite_ok)     ok = false; if (ok && sqlite3_step(stmt) != sqlite_done)     ok = false; if (ok && sqlite3_finalize(stmt) != sqlite_ok)     ok = false; if (ok)     sqlite3_exec(validsqlite3, "commit;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); else     sqlite3_exec(validsqlite3, "rollback;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);  //same code above... but: no dashes in text field     //works fine... runs commit , inserts new row in mytable column sometime content: "2016/11/01 12:00:00" int result = sqlite3_exec(validsqlite3, "begin;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (result != sqlite_ok)     return; sqlite3_stmt* stmt = nullptr; bool ok = true; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(validsqlite3, "insert mytable (sometime) values (?);", -1, &stmt, nullptr) != sqlite_ok)     ok = false; if (ok && sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, "2016/11/01 12:00:00", -1, sqlite_transient) != sqlite_ok)     ok = false; if (ok && sqlite3_step(stmt) != sqlite_done)     ok = false; if (ok && sqlite3_finalize(stmt) != sqlite_ok)     ok = false; if (ok)     sqlite3_exec(validsqlite3, "commit;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); else     sqlite3_exec(validsqlite3, "rollback;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); 


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