linux - How to access delegated mailbox using Python without win32.client -

i have windows account mailbox. using python on linux environment, can access mail , directory mailbox using imaplib account credentials that's fine.

but now, want access delegated mailbox not belonging account , can't find how.

so far used code doc gives directories within mailbox. i'd reach mailbox.

i tried change username username/delegated-mailbox connection fails.

i've seen solutions on windows environment using win32.client, far, nothing on linux. there solution using imaplib or lib?

import imaplib import configparser   def open_connection(verbose=false):   # read config file   config = configparser.configparser()'connection.cfg')    # connect server   hostname = config.get('server', 'hostname')   if verbose: print 'connecting to', hostname   connection = imaplib.imap4_ssl(hostname)    # login our account   username = config.get('account', 'username')   password = config.get('account', 'password')   if verbose: print 'logging in as', username   connection.login(username, password)   return connection   c = open_connection(verbose=true) try:     typ, mailbox_data = c.list()     line in mailbox_data:         print line      finally:     try:         c.close()     except:         pass     c.logout() 

config file like:

[server] hostname: the.hostname  [account] username: test-account password: test-password 


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