javascript - Close react native modal by clicking on overlay? -

is possible close react native modal clicking on overlay when transparent option true? documentation doesn't provide it. possible?

if understood correctly, want close modal when user clicks outside of it, right ?

if yes, searched time ago , solution remember 1 (which 1 i've been using far):

render() {    if (!this.state.modalvisible)     return null   return (      <view>         <modal            animationtype="fade"           transparent={true}           visible={this.state.modalvisible}           onrequestclose={() => {this.setmodalvisible(false)}}         >           <touchableopacity              style={styles.container}              activeopacity={1}              onpressout={() => {this.setmodalvisible(false)}}           >             <scrollview                directionallockenabled={true}                contentcontainerstyle={styles.scrollmodal}             >               <touchablewithoutfeedback>                 <view style={styles.modalcontainer}>                   // here put content of modal.                 </view>               </touchablewithoutfeedback>             </scrollview>           </touchableopacity>            </modal>       </view>   ) }   // on setmodalvisible(), need when closing or opening modal. setmodalvisible(visible) {     this.setstate({         modalvisible: visible,     }) } 


this using touchableopacity in whole screen when user clicks close modal. touchablewithoutfeedback avoid touchableopacity work inside of modal.

if have better solution, please share here.


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