internet explorer - Yammer Embed login Popup Not Working in IE -

i using yammer embed code show yammer embed feeds.

the login pop working fine in firefox , chrome when tested site in ie 11, when click on login pop dialog box coming like:

the webpage viewing trying close tab? want close tab?

when click on "yes" dialog box disappears , nothing happens. when add //* , //* in trusted sites, problem solved.

but there other option solve issue?

there isn't option. happening due design of internet explorer, , interactions across domains required complete authentication yammer.

you had add domains listed, others using yammer embed may need add additional domains listed in fqdn documentation. thorough method resolution of type of problem analyze actual domains used requests , include in mutually agreeable zones.

it's worth pointing out adding domains trusted sites not correct. adding domains used mutually agreeable domains more technically correct, can mean need remove domains intranet zone embed working correctly. depending on group policy may have trouble doing unless work closely administrators in organization. ie zone analyzer tool can understand zone configuration.


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