java - Comparing two Integers 'Unnecessary unboxing' warning -

i try compare integers next way (for case, it's good):

public void comparemaynull(integer a, integer b) {     if ((a == null ? -1 : a.intvalue()) == b.intvalue())         system.out.println("true"); } 

intellij idea gives me warning 'unnecessary unboxing' on a.intvalue() , b.intvalue() , recommend me simplify code this:

public void comparemaynull(integer a, integer b) {     if ((a == null ? -1 : a) == b)         system.out.println("true"); } 

but i'm little confused, because references compared if a != null not best practice know. code should use?

because have -1 literal int type, a auto-unboxed, (if , if a == null false else expression not evaluated) in evaluation of ternary conditional

a == null ? -1 : a;

then since expression of type int, b auto-unboxed.

therefore can write if ((a == null ? -1 : a) == b), safe in knowledge java auto-unbox both a , b. explicit unboxing via calls intvalue() superfluous , ide warning of this. avoidance of doubt a not auto-unboxed when expression a == null evaluated.

personally find 1 of pernicious parts of java. i'd consider writing way had it, , tell ide suck it.


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