AngularJS Validation on ng-show not working on when select2 is added -

i using select2 of bootstrap have search dropdown menu problem validation not working. working without select2 not working , message shown always.

<div class="form-group" ng-class="{ 'has-error' : addemployee.formadd.pos.$invalid && !addemployee.formadd.pos.$pristine }">     <label>position</label>     <select name="pos" id="pos" ng-model="addemployee.employee.employee_positionid" class="form-control select2" required>         <option ng-repeat="option in addemployee.position" value="{{option.position_id}}">{{option.position_name}}</option>     </select>     <p ng-show="addemployee.formadd.pos.$invalid && addemployee.formadd.pos.$dirty  && addemployee.formadd.pos.$touched  && addemployee.formadd.pos.$error.required" class="help-block">position required.</p> </div> 

you can still validate controller after trying save form using:

if ($scope[formname].$invalid) {        e.preventdefault();        angular.foreach($scope[formname].$error, function (field) {                angular.foreach(field, function(errorfield){                        errorfield.$settouched();                });        }); /*add notification user here*/         return; } 


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