python - Django KeyError when trying to format foreignkey -

i'm getting following error when trying create filepath

    filepath = '{comp}/utils/locndb/{vehdir}.{filename}'.format(comp,vehdir, filename) keyerror: 'comp' 

i don't know how extract string one-to-many foreignkey field

def get_file_path(vehicle, filename):  filepath = ''  vehdir = vehicle.vehid print vehdir comp = getattr(, 'user', none) print comp  filepath = 'optiload/{comp}/utils/locndb/{vehdir}.{filename}'.format(comp,vehdir, filename) print filepath  return filepath

@login_required    def loadlocndb(request):   if request.method == "post" , request.files['locndb']:     pks ="update")      selected_objects = vehicle.objects.filter(pk__in=pks)      vlist = []     in selected_objects:         vlist.append(i)         locnfile = request.files['locndb']         fs = filesystemstorage()         filename =, locnfile)         filename = get_file_path(i, filename)         uploaded_file_url = fs.url(filename)      return render(request, 'portal/loadlocndb.html',{"vlist":vlist, "uploaded_file_url": uploaded_file_url})

 # create models here. class userprofile(models.model):     # line required. links userprofile user model instance.     user = models.onetoonefield(user)      # additional attributes wish include.     compname = models.charfield(max_length = 20)     milkco = models.integerfield()       # override __unicode__() method return out meaningful!     def __unicode__(self):         return self.user.username  class vehicle(models.model):     vehid = models.charfield(max_length = 10)     company = models.foreignkey(userprofile, default = 1)     #depot = models.foreignkey(depot, default = 1)     locndb = models.filefield(upload_to='optload/', default= "setting.media_root/locndb/locndb.csv")      class meta:         db_table = "vehicle"      def __unicode__(self):         return self.vehid 

i want import , save file filepath /optiload/{customer}/utils/locndb/{vehicle}/{filename} there better way how currently?

the problem string contains named arguments (e.g. {comp}), using positional arguments when call format()

you can either remove names braces in string:

filepath = '{}/utils/locndb/{}.{}'.format(comp, vehdir, filename) 

or use keyword arguments when calling format:

filepath = '{comp}/utils/locndb/{vehdir}.{filename}'.format(comp=comp, vehdir=vehdir, filename=filename) 


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