javascript - Firefox Extension location.href not redirecting -

i'm using rather generic here, want able load new tab @ desired url when selecting extension, when @ tab, redirect new url. (the add on should run code @ first page before redirecting, that's day).

the code have @ moment is

var buttons = require('sdk/ui/button/action'); var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");  var button = buttons.actionbutton({   id: "redirect",   label: "redirect",   icon: {     "16": "./icon-16.png"   },   onclick: handleclick });  function handleclick(state) {{     url: "",     onready: loadredirect     });    function loadredirect(tab) {     tab.attach({       contentscript: "location.href = ';'"     });   } }  

when running however, 2nd url appends first, rather replaces, , gets stuck in infinite load/refresh loop until close browser.

i assume i'm missing absolutely obvious, wasn't able find while searching around.

you trying change location.href string has no scheme. assumed url within current domain. because not start / assumed relative current page. thus, appended current url. page becomes ready; fires ready event; , onready handler called. handler changes url, causing page reloaded, and, again, fire ready event, starts process on again. infinite loop.

to, change code to:

function loadredirect(tab) {   tab.attach({     contentscript: "location.href = '';"   }); } 

which have been done without need inject content script assigning tab.url:

function loadredirect(tab) {   tab.url = ''; } 

however, not prevent infinite loop. there many ways so. easiest remove ready listener:

function loadredirect(tab) {'ready',loadredirect);   tab.url = ''; } 


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