html - Get text from website with VBA -

i need create vba macro takes specific website , search id. when id found need take text , copy excel.

here source code of webiste:

<tr> <td style="width: 10%; color: blue" valign="top"><a name="111" id="111">111</td> <td><pre>       text need in excel </pre></a><td> </tr> 

i need text between "pre"

this try in vba:

set ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application") ie.visible = true ie.navigate  website_url  while ie.busy , not ie.readystate = readystate_complete   doevents loop set document = ie.document  dim searchvalue string   set element = document.getelementbyid(searchvalue).getattribute("pre")  range("i1").select activecell.formular1c1 = element 

i tried instead of ".getattribute" other methods , tried use element string didn't work.

it awesome if me code :d

the text not located in attribute in pre element. getattribute function can't return desired text.

have @ function queryselector if want first text. function returns ihtmlelement , accepts selector.

if wish return texts try function queryselectorall. function returns ihtmldomchildrencollectionand accepts selector well. hth


' add reference microsoft internet controls (shdocvw) ' add reference microsoft html object library  dim selector string ' select element id = searchvalue has td has pre selector = "#" & searchvalue & " td pre"   dim onepre ihtmlelement set onepre = doc.queryselector(selector) if not onepre nothing     msgbox "first pre element text: " & onepre.innertext end if  dim allpre ihtmldomchildrencollection set allpre = doc.queryselectorall(selector)  if allpre.length > 0     dim el, text     el = 0 allpre.length - 1         text = text & allpre.item(el).innertext     next     msgbox "all pre elements text: " & text end if  ie.quit 


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