changing color of volume high/low in highcharts is not changing color -

i have checked link , changed code change color of column no luck change color of volume columns (high/low) in highcharts

i have tried code color not changing in volume column, here code.

<div id="container-ndx" style="height: 500px; width:100%;border-top:2px solid lightgray;"></div> <script> (function($) {     var volumecolor = \'\';     var data = [];     var ohlc = [],         volume = [],         datalength = data.length,         // set allowed units data grouping         groupingunits = [[             \'day\',                         // unit name             [1]                             // allowed multiples         ], [             \'week\',             [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]         ]],          = 0;      (i; < datalength; += 1) {         ohlc.push([             data[i][0], // date             data[i][1], // open             data[i][2], // high             data[i][3], // low             data[i][4] // close         ]);          if (i==0) {     volumecolor = \'#cccccc\';      } else {                  if (data[i][1] >= data[i-1][1]) {            volumecolor = \'#006633\';         } else {            volumecolor = \'#cc0033\';         }      }      volume.push({         x: data[i][0], // date         y: data[i][5],         color: volumecolor     });      console.log(volume);     }     var options = {         chart: {             renderto:\'container-ndx\',             rangeselector:             {         inputenabled: false             }         },  legend: {         enabled: true,                     layout: \'horizontal\',                     align: \'left\',                     verticalalign: \'bottom\',                 x: 0,                     y: 0,                     borderwidth: 0             },              title: {             text: \'nasdaq etf \'         },         xaxis: {             type: \'datetime\',             datetimelabelformats: {                 day: \'%e\ %b \%y\'             },              showempty: false         },         yaxis: [{             labels: {                 align: \'right\',                 x: -3,                 style: {                 color: \'#f45b5b\'             }             },             title: {                 text: \'close\',                 style: {                 color: \'#f45b5b\'             }             },             height: \'60%\',             linewidth: 2         }, {             labels: {                 align: \'right\',                 x: -3             },             title: {                 text: \'volume\'             },             top: \'65%\',             height: \'35%\',             offset: 0,             linewidth: 2         }],     tooltip: {         shared: true,        xdateformat: \'%e\ %b \%y\'      },  series: [              {         name:\'close\',                 allowpointselect: true,         type:\'candlestick\',         color:\'#f45b5b\',         upcolor: \'#28c13d\',         "yaxis": 0,             data:ohlc,             datagrouping: {                 units: groupingunits             },             pointinterval: 1*24 * 3600 * 1000, // 1 day             pointstart: date.utc(1999, 12, 2)     },     {         name: \'volume\',                 allowpointselect: true,         "yaxis": 1,                 data:volume,                 turbothreshold: number.max_value,         datagrouping: {                 enabled: false,             units: groupingunits         },         type:\'column\',         states: {         hover: {                     enabled: false,                     linewidth: 2                 }     },                 showinlegend: true,                 pointinterval: 1*24 * 3600 * 1000, // 1 day                 pointstart: date.utc(1930, 12, 2)             }     ]      };';     echo 'options.series[0].data  = ' . json_encode($datavalue) .';';     echo 'options.series[1].data  = ' . json_encode($datavolume) .';';     echo ' var chart = new highcharts.chart(options);      })(jquery); </script> ';     


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