android - Showing an interstitial with Firebase Dynamic Links -

on official page firebase dynamic links ( there mention of showing interstitial if app not installed:

dynamic links work seamlessly across ios, android, , desktop , mobile web. dynamic links can configured provide best possible user experience, whether that's personalized app launch, fast interstitial, or opening mobile website.

how can that?

this not feature firebase provides out-of-the-box.

here steps need implement it:

  1. generate dynamic link , set ifl link param url on website.
  2. build custom interstitial , host @ url used in ifl param.
  3. within interstitial, insert second dynamic link ifl param pointed app store
    • this step should not necessary because firebase docs state users without app should automatically forwarded app store default, have never seen happen — users without app taken url in link param in testing).
    • if set link param on second link, overwrite value initial link. need either leave link blank, or pass through.


if don't want deal this, should check out (full disclosure: i'm on branch team). branch journeys feature own website, , deepviews feature provides same thing if don't have website , don't want set 1 up.


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