python - Datastore One-to-Many Google App Engine -

i'm struggling display array items in template. started entity relationships in gae , i'm not finding suitable solutions on so. have perform query first in handler. if so, how coz i'm struggling logic.

datastore project entities example display

enter image description here

datastore employees entities example display

enter image description here

class project(ndb.model):     projectid = ndb.integerproperty(required=true)     title = ndb.stringproperty(required=true)     description = ndb.stringproperty(required=true)     startat = ndb.datetimeproperty(indexed=true)     endat = ndb.datetimeproperty()     isfullday = ndb.booleanproperty()     days = ndb.keyproperty(kind='companyday', repeated=true)     employees = ndb.keyproperty(kind='employees', repeated=true)     client = ndb.keyproperty(kind='client')  class employees(ndb.model):     name = ndb.stringproperty()     role = ndb.stringproperty() 


data fetched backend through angular's http service

 <md-content  class="md-padding projects" layout="row" layout-wrap>         <md-card ng-repeat="data in controller.projects" flex="20" ng-click="editproject(data)">             <img src="" alt="">             <md-card-content>                 <div class="project-info">                     <h2 class="md-title">{{ data.title }}</h2>                     <p>{{ data.description }}</p>                     <p>{{ data.employees }}</p>                  </div>             </md-card-content>         </md-card>     </md-content> 

python code responds /comments

class commentsjsonhandler(webapp2.requesthandler): @classmethod def route(cls):     """     name: index, template: /     """     return webapp2.route('/comments', handler=cls, name='_commments_')  def get(self):       projects = project.query()      def date_handler(obj):         print obj         if isinstance(obj, datetime):             return obj.isoformat()         else:             return str(obj)      self.response.out.write(json.dumps([dict(proj.to_dict(), **dict( proj in projects], default=date_handler))  

from angular - code requests server

    var vm = this;     vm.projects = [];     $http.get('/comments')         .then(function(result) {             console.log(result);             vm.projects =;          }); 

displaying employees datastore.

enter image description here

you change date_handler handle ndb.key render employee collection in returned json

def date_handler(obj):     print obj     if isinstance(obj, datetime):         return obj.isoformat()     elif isinstance(obj, ndb.key):       return obj.get().to_dict()     else:         return str(obj) 

you may want change name of method not doing date_handling more


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