php - Laravel 5.3 using multiple authentication (e.g admin, customer) -
i have read lot of threads multi-auth in laravel, of configurations see somehow complicated, have seen multi-auth package not support laravel socialite.
aware question asked multiple times, if can give better answer. appreciated!
things have tried
i familiar laravel make:auth
i familiar laravel socialite facebook , twitter , google plus.
give try. still need basic knowledge laravel's new multitenancy.
in config/auth.php add
array:'customer' => [ 'driver' => 'session', 'provider' => 'customers', ],
than in same file add
array:'customers' => [ 'driver' => 'eloquent', 'model' => app\customer::class, ],
than create migration
customers db table
(you can use laravel's out of box migration users table)next eloquent model
these included:use app\scopes\authorizedscope; use illuminate\foundation\auth\user authenticatable;
these should let use laravel's auth facade in app these used methods:
auth::guard('customer')->attempt() auth::guard('customer')->check() auth::guard('customer')->logout() auth::guard('customer')->user()
or use auth middleware this:
route::get('customer/dashboard', function () { // authenticated users may enter... })->middleware('auth:customer');
also checkout these:
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