excel - Reattaching Named Ranges in VBA -

i'm trying remove named ranges in excel workbook, store them in collection , after deleting, reattach them workbook.

my code looks this

sub resetnamedranges()     dim rname excel.name     dim cname excel.name     dim rangednames excel.names     dim collnames new collection      set rangednames = thisworkbook.names      each rname in rangednames         collnames.add rname          rname.delete     next      each cname in collnames         names.add cname.name, cname.refersto, cname.visible, cname.macrotype, cname.shortcutkey, cname.category, cname.namelocal, cname.referstolocal, cname.categorylocal, cname.referstor1c1, cname.referstor1c1local     next end sub 

but isn't working. quit sure i'm missing something.

use dictionary , capture relevant properties such.

your collection method fails reasons outlined in comments above: .delete method removes reference name object put in collection. collection full of broken references, , can't restore names broken/invalid object references.

option explicit

sub foo() dim rname name dim dictnames object  set dictnames = createobject("scripting.dictionary")  each rname in names         'we're going use dict properties, also:         dictnames.add rname.name, nothing         set dictnames(rname.name) = createobject("scripting.dictionary")         dictnames(rname.name)             ' not favorite way this, properties undefined raise error             ' can work better way if prefer             on error resume next             .add "refersto", rname.refersto             .add "visible", rname.visible             .add "macrotype", rname.macrotype             .add "shortcutkey", rname.shortcutkey             .add "category", rname.category             .add "namelocal", rname.namelocal             .add "referstolocal", rname.referstolocal             .add "categorylocal", rname.categorylocal             .add "referstor1c1", rname.referstor1c1             .add "referstor1c1local", rname.referstor1c1local             on error goto 0         end         rname.delete     next  dim itm each itm in dictnames     set rname = names.add(itm, dictnames(itm)("refersto"))     on error resume next     'rname.refersto = itm("refersto")     rname.visible = itm("visible")     rname.macrotype = itm("macrotype")     rname.shortcutkey = itm("shortcutkey")     rname.category = itm("category")     rname.namelocal = itm("namelocal")     rname.referstolocal = itm("referstolocal")     rname.categorylocal = itm("categorylocal")     rname.referstor1c1 = itm("referstor1c1")     rname.referstor1c1local = itm("referstor1c1local")     on error goto 0 next end sub 


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