Create/Update a row depending on values of other columns in table in MySql -

following table schema, using mysql 5.7 version

     create table rule_reports (   pkey int(11) not null auto_increment,   email varchar(250) default null,   domain varchar(250) not null,   rule_id bigint(20) unsigned not null,   rule_type varchar(250) not null,   log_time datetime default null,   count int(11) default null,   primary key (pkey),   key dwl (domain,rule_id,log_time) ) 

i want increment count column instead of new row in table, if combination of values of domain,rule_id,rule_type exists in table row

sample rows of table

+------+-------------------------+---------+------------------+------------------+-------------------------+---------- | pkey | email                   | domain  |    rule_id       |    rule_type     | log_time                | count +------+-------------------------+---------+------------------+------------------+-------------------------+----------- |    1 |       | user1   | 566              | type1        | 2016-09-13 17:23:02.000 | 1 |    2 |       | user2   | 567              | type2        | 2016-09-13 17:23:02.000 | 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

suppose if statement below should not create row because same values domain,rule_id,rule_type exists in table need count column increment here

insert rule_reports(domain,rule_id,rule_type,count) values('user1',566,'type1',1) 

statement below should create new row in table

insert rule_reports(domain,rule_id,rule_type,count) values('user3',568,'type3',1) 

add unique index on columns involved, , use on duplicate key update increment count if record exists.

alter table rule_reports add unique unique_index(domain, rule_id, rule_type);  insert rule_reports (domain, rule_id, rule_type, count) values ('user1', 566, 'type1', 1) on duplicate key update count = count + 1 


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