php - Send email via Outlook. I want to pick my own "to" receivers -

i have small php script (shown below) "automatically" emails simple test message whichever email address in $to variable e.g.

$subject="this test message"; $message='this <font color="red">body</font> section'; $to="";  // starting outlook com_load_typelib("outlook.application"); if (!defined("olmailitem")) {define("olmailitem",0);}  $outlook_obj = new com("outlook.application") or die("unable start outlook"); $omsg = $outlook_obj->createitem(olmailitem); $omsg->recipients->add($to); $omsg->subject=$subject; $omsg->htmlbody=$message; $omsg->save(); $omsg->send(); 

the script works great, except don't want automatically send out email.

i want load email outlook , allow me manually add email addresses.

however, if leave $to variable blank (i.e. "") or remove "$omsg->recipients->add($to);" line error message.

does guru know of solution or going stuck php automatically sending out emails.

i need manually able send out email email addresses can vary, , might want add line of 2 @ bottom of email.

any ideas?

many thanks,



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