javascript - jQuery get data from db after button clicked -

i creating button , automatically increasing value , getting current value on db.

the update value worked, value didn't update automatically after button clicked (it's updated after page has refreshed).

here jquery code:

$(document).ready(function(){     $('#like').on('click', function(e){         var id = '{{$news->id}}';         $.get('{{ url('home/like')}}/'+id, function(data){             console.log(id);             console.log(data);             $('#like_data').empty();             $.each(data, function(index, element){                 $('#like_data').append('<p>''</p>');             });         });     }); }); 

here html code:

<form method="get">     <div id="sample-table-3">         <a id="like"><img src="/images/likes1.png" title="likes"></a>     </div> </form>  <div id="like_data">     <p>{{$news->like}}</p> </div> 

i'm getting error this:

get http://localhost:8080/view/like/4 500 (internal server error)

xhr finished loading: "http://localhost:8080/view/like/4".

---edit: added controller , routes---

//controller     public function like($id){     $news = news::find($id);      $news->like += 1;     $news->save();      return view('home.view')->with('news', $news); }  //laravel route  route::get('/home/like/{id}', 'homecontroller@like'); 


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