mysql - SqlDataAdapter Insert Database not working C# winform -

i trying insert data sql server database , show on datagridview c# winforms.

i click on insert button no error shows, no data being insert database , datagridview becomes blank.

i re-debug can see data update in datagridview, database not on visual studio server explorer database(picture1).

on other hand.i set breakpoint when click insert button,that jump on line 42~46.directly line 50.ex(picture2).



edit: question when click insert button,datagridview have update new data.but database no insert new data.database 2 data.

edit2 changed connection string attachdbfilename. attachdbfilename=c:\vis\no4\windowsformsapplication1\app_dat‌​a\database1.mdf; value can insert database.

here connection string:

<add name="con1" connectionstring="data source=(localdb)\v11.0;attachdbfilename=|datadirectory|\database1.mdf;integrated security=true"         providername="" /> 

here form_load , load_grid function

sqlconnection con;     sqldataadapter da;     dataset ds = new dataset();     datatable dt = new datatable();     public form1()     {         initializecomponent();         string connectionstring = configurationmanager.connectionstrings["con1"].connectionstring;         con = new sqlconnection(connectionstring);      }      private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {        load_grid();     }     public void load_grid()     {         dt.clear();         sqldataadapter da1 = new sqldataadapter();         try         {             string sql = "select * profile";   ;             da1.selectcommand = new sqlcommand(sql, con);             da1.fill(ds);             da1.fill(dt);             con.close();             datagridview1.datasource = dt;         }         catch (exception ex)         {   ;         }     } 

here insert button

 private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         string ac = textbox1.text;         string bd = textbox2.text;         string sex = textbox2.text;         string sql = "insert profile(ac,bd,sex)values('" + ac + "','" + bd + "','" + sex + "')";         try         {   ;             da = new sqldataadapter();             da.insertcommand = new sqlcommand(sql, con);             da.insertcommand.executenonquery();             da.update(dt);   "insert success...!!");             load_grid();             con.close();         }         catch(exception ex)         {   ;         }     } 

here design of costumer table

create table [dbo].[profile] ( [id]  int           identity (1, 1) not null, [ac]  nvarchar (50) null, [bd]  nvarchar (50) null, [sex] nvarchar (50) null, primary key clustered ([id] asc)); 

not sure issue here.

picture2 shows exception connection open so, try following before opening connection. calling load_grid(); before closing connection. have update code, use explained below:

edit- second revision:

public void load_grid()     {         dt.clear();         sqldataadapter da1 = new sqldataadapter();         try         {             string sql = "select * profile";   ;             da1.selectcommand = new sqlcommand(sql, con);             da1.fill(ds);             da1.fill(dt);             con.close();             datagridview1.datasource = dt;         }         catch (exception ex)         {   ;         }                 {             if (con.state !=                 con.close();         }     }    private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {             string ac = textbox1.text;             string bd = textbox2.text;             string sex = textbox2.text;             string sql = "insert profile(ac,bd,sex)values('" + ac + "','" + bd + "','" + sex + "')";             try             {       ;                 da = new sqldataadapter();                 da.insertcommand = new sqlcommand(sql, con);                 da.insertcommand.executenonquery();                 da.update(dt);                 con.close();       "insert success...!!");                 load_grid();                            }             catch (exception ex)             {       ;             }                         {                 if (con.state !=                     con.close();             }         } 


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