maven - How to download artifact to local repository from 3-rd party repository and USE IT later? -

i verify in desktop 3-rd party library meet needs.

i added dependency project:

<dependency>   <groupid>com.oopsconsultancy</groupid>   <artifactid>xmltask</artifactid>   <version>1.16</version> </dependency> 

my project not compile:

could not resolve dependencies project other-repo:other-repo:jar:0.0.1-snapshot: not find artifact com.oopsconsultancy:xmltask:jar:1.16 in central ( -> [help 1]

that ok, because xmltask located in 3rd party repository. downloaded them manually:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:get          -drepourl= -dartifact=com.oopsconsultancy:xmltask:1.16 

artifacts downloaded local repository:

repositoryurl parameter deprecated. use remoterepositories instead

resolving com.oopsconsultancy:xmltask:jar:1.16 transitive dependencies


downloaded: (569 b @ 0.6 kb/sec)


downloaded: (75 kb @ 99.0 kb/sec)

unfortunately, mvn compile still not work:

failed execute goal on project other-repo: not resolve dependencies project other-repo:other-repo:jar:0.0.1-snapshot: failure find com.oopsconsultancy:xmltask:jar:1.16 in cached in local repository, resolution not reattempted until update interval of central has elapsed or updates forced -> [help 1]

i don't want configure 3-rd party remote repository in project, because hidden behind artifactory.

what want download artifact local repository, check works want , ask artifactory boss include 3-rd party remote repository mirror of central repo


content of downloaded xmltask-1.16.pom.lastupdated

#note: aether internal implementation file, format can changed without prior notice. #tue nov 08 13:58:17 cet 2016 https\:// https\:// https\:// 

go directory of xmltask , delete lastupdated files , try again. if not help, delete metadata files well.

these files signal maven artifact not available.


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