javascript - Google Direction | same API, different result -

i have simple route made on javascript on following link: enter image description here

edit here image javascript lazy ones.

it's goes b, b c , c d. watch this, when user hit point c need u-turn point d, fine me.

i have tried duplicate same thing on android studio, , i'm getting different route following image:

android example

so instead of doing u-turn c d, it's makes user goto way again, b , lastly d. i'm trying figure out why i'm using same api (google direction) same configuration (driving mode etc.) , i'm getting different results. ideas ?

edit 2: here of code: javascript :

//you can calculate directions (using variety of methods of transportation) using directionsservice object.  var directionsservice = new google.maps.directionsservice();    //define variable map points.  var _mappoints = new array();    //define directionsrenderer variable.  var _directionsrenderer = '';    //this give map zoom value.  var zoom_option = 6;    //legpoints route points between 2 locations.  var legpoints = new array();    var currentpoi = 0;  //google map object  var map;    var route = {      'id': '768cbe75-cade-4498-95c5-7369e8ac9d20',      'name': 'by route 1',      'points': [{          'latitude': 32.33197427500548,          'longtitude': 34.894479140639305,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': ''      }, {          'latitude': 32.330265,          'longtitude': 34.893424,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'l'      }, {          'latitude': 32.329581,          'longtitude': 34.894216,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'u'      }, {          'latitude': 32.330517,          'longtitude': 34.892191,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'l'      }, {          'latitude': 32.329863,          'longtitude': 34.890681,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.333253,          'longtitude': 34.890102,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.333216,          'longtitude': 34.892721,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'l'      }, {          'latitude': 32.337219,          'longtitude': 34.893506,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.337473,          'longtitude': 34.893954,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'l'      }, {          'latitude': 32.337336,          'longtitude': 34.893433,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'l'      }, {          'latitude': 32.337335,          'longtitude': 34.894009,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.337281,          'longtitude': 34.894530,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.335042,          'longtitude': 34.894198,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'l'      }, {          'latitude': 32.335056,          'longtitude': 34.894756,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.332629,          'longtitude': 34.894617,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.333123,          'longtitude': 34.893378,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.335002,          'longtitude': 34.894187,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.335120,          'longtitude': 34.895929,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.331783,          'longtitude': 34.895945,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'r'      }, {          'latitude': 32.332448,          'longtitude': 34.894796,          'direction': 0,          'timestamp': '\/date(1465923981572+0300)\/',          'icon': 'l'      }]  };  //initializemap() function used initialize google map on page load.  function initializemap() {        //directionsrenderer() used render direction      _directionsrenderer = new google.maps.directionsrenderer({          draggable: true,          map: map,          panel: document.getelementbyid('right-panel')      });        //set own options map.      var myoptions = {          zoom: zoom_option,          zoomcontrol: true,          center: new google.maps.latlng(32.2679, 34.3718),          maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap      };        //define map.      map = new"dvmap"), myoptions);        //set map directionsrenderer      _directionsrenderer.setmap(map);        //set different options directionsrenderer mehtods.      //draggable option used drag route.      _directionsrenderer.setoptions({          draggable: false      });        ////add doubel click event map.      //google.maps.event.addlistener(map, "dblclick", function (event) {                //    var _currentpoints = event.latlng;      //    _mappoints.push(_currentpoints);      //    legpoints.push('');      //    getroutepointsandwaypoints(_mappoints);      //});        //add directions changed event map.      google.maps.event.addlistener(_directionsrenderer, 'directions_changed', function() {          var myroute = _directionsrenderer.directions.routes[0];          createroute(myroute);          zoom_option = map.getzoom();      });       initialroute();  }    function initialroute() {   var latlon = new google.maps.latlng();             (var = currentpoi; < route.points.length && < currentpoi+10; i++) {          latlon = new google.maps.latlng(route.points[i].latitude, route.points[i].longtitude);          _mappoints.push(latlon);          legpoints.push(latlon);          window.settimeout(function () { getroutepointsandwaypoints(_mappoints); }, 100);      }      currentpoi += 10;      if (currentpoi > route.points.length) {          currentpoi = 0;        }    }          function computetotaldistance(result) {      var total = 0;      var myroute = result.routes[0];      (var = 0; < myroute.legs.length; i++) {          total += myroute.legs[i].distance.value;      }      total = total / 1000;      document.getelementbyid('total').innerhtml = total + ' km';  }  function createroute(myroute) {        var index = 0;      if (_mappoints.length > 10) {          index = _mappoints.length - 10;      }        (var = 0; < myroute.legs.length; i++) {          savelegpoints(myroute.legs[i], index);          index = index + 1;      }  }    //saving legs points between 2 routes  function savelegpoints(leg, index) {      var points = new array();      (var = 0; < leg.steps.length; i++) {          (var j = 0; j < leg.steps[i].lat_lngs.length; j++) {              points.push(leg.steps[i].lat_lngs[j]);          }      }      legpoints[index] = points;  }    //this draw more 10 points route on map.  function drawpreviousroute(legs) {      var segpointvalue = new array();      (var = 0; < legs; i++) {          var innerarry = legpoints[i];          (var j = 0; j < innerarry.length; j++) {              segpointvalue.push(innerarry[j]);          }          addpreviousmarker(innerarry[0],i);      }      var polyoptions = {          path: segpointvalue,          strokecolor: '#ffcc00',          strokeweight: 5      };      var poly = new google.maps.polyline(polyoptions);      poly.setmap(map);  }    //this wil add marker icon route.  function addpreviousmarker(mylatlng,id) {        var pinimage = new google.maps.markerimage("" + id + "|ffcc00|0000ff");      //var pinimage = {      //    url: "" + id + "|ffcc00|0000ff"      //    //size: new google.maps.size(71, 71),      //    //origin: new google.maps.point(0, 0),      //    //anchor: new google.maps.point(17, 34),      //    //scaledsize: new google.maps.size(25, 25)      //};      var marker = new google.maps.marker({          position: mylatlng,          icon: pinimage,//"images/red-circle.png",          title: ""      });      marker.setmap(map);  }      //getroutepointsandwaypoints() pass points , waypoints drawroute() function  function getroutepointsandwaypoints(points) {      if (points.length <= 10) {          drawroutepointsandwaypoints(points);      }      else {          var newpoints = new array();          var startpoint = points.length - 10;          var legs = points.length - 10;          (var = startpoint; < points.length; i++) {              newpoints.push(points[i]);          }          drawroutepointsandwaypoints(newpoints);          drawpreviousroute(legs);      }  }      function drawroutepointsandwaypoints(points) {      //define variable waypoints.      var _waypoints = new array();        if (points.length > 2) //waypoints come.      {          (var j = 1; j < points.length - 1; j++) {              var address = points[j];              if (address !== "") {                  _waypoints.push({                      location: address,                      stopover: true  //stopover used show marker on map waypoints                  });              }          }          //call drawroute() function          drawroute(points[0], points[points.length - 1], _waypoints);      } else if (points.length > 1) {          //call drawroute() function start , end locations          drawroute(points[_mappoints.length - 2], points[points.length - 1], _waypoints);      } else {          //call drawroute() function 1 point start , end locations.          drawroute(points[_mappoints.length - 1], points[points.length - 1], _waypoints);      }  }            //drawroute() actual draw route on map.  function drawroute(originaddress, destinationaddress, _waypoints) {      //define request variable route .      var _request = '';        //this more 2 locatins      if (_waypoints.length > 0) {          _request = {              origin: originaddress,              destination: destinationaddress,              waypoints: _waypoints, //an array of waypoints              optimizewaypoints: false, //set true if want google determine shortest route or false use order specified.              travelmode: google.maps.directionstravelmode.driving          };      } else {          //this 1 or 2 locations. here noway point used.          _request = {              origin: originaddress,              destination: destinationaddress,              travelmode: google.maps.directionstravelmode.driving          };      }        //this take request , draw route , return response , status output      directionsservice.route(_request, function(_response, _status) {          if (_status == google.maps.directionsstatus.ok) {              _directionsrenderer.setdirections(_response);              computetotaldistance(_directionsrenderer.getdirections());            }      });  }

the code in android simple routing call using library.

  routing routing = new routing.builder()                 .travelmode(routing.travelmode.driving)                 .withlistener(this)                 .waypoints(firsteightwaypoints)                 .language("iw")                 .build();         routing.execute(); 


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