Google analytics API PHP Get data tablet/phone/deskop -

i have attached api , able acquire data type. returning visitor new visitor etc .. can not pull data on device, whether on mobile, tablet.

i'm confused how write expoler not find it.

    public function getresultsgraph1() {     return $this->analytics->data_ga->get(                     'ga:' . $this->accounts, $this->startdate, $this->enddate, 'ga:sessions', array(                 'metrics' => 'ga:sessions,ga:bouncerate')); } 

any advice on how it?

you need add dimension ga:devicecategory return desktop, tablet, or mobile.

 $optparams = array(       'dimensions' => 'ga:devicecategory');    return $service->data_ga->get(       table_id,       '2010-01-01',       '2010-01-15',       'ga:sessions',       $optparams); 


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