iphone - How to create widgets showing on home screen in iOS 10 -

i need create custom widgets on home screen in iphone. have attach sample image. please give me idea extension helpful in creating this.enter image description here

swift3 & xcode8

for above need create extension main app

  • which extension need create achieve above one?

    ans:today extension

  • how create extension?

    xcode -> file -> new -> target ->today extension

after creating extension, if want pass data main app extension need know appgroups

appgroups nothing share data between main app extensions

how achieve?

just simple 👇

go xcode -> capabilities -> appgroups enable -> click + -> add new container format group.* 

for example: group.com.yourcompany.projectname

go main app

initialise defaults suite

var appgroupdefaults = userdefaults.standard appgroupdefaults = userdefaults(suitename:"group.com.yourcompany.projectname")! 

after initialising defaults suite , set arraydata or string data whatever need pass extension

appgroupdefaults.set(value: arraydatatopasstotodayextension, forkey: "arraydatatodisplayintoday") 

then after retrieve data in extension 👇

var appgroupdefaults = userdefaults.standard actiongroupdefaults = userdefaults(suitename:"group.com.yourcompany.projectname")! let dataarray = appgroupdefaults.value(forkey: "arraydatatodisplayintoday")! as! nsmutablearray print("hurray got data main app extension") 

in extension

for showless , showmore more options in widget[today]

override func viewdidload() {     self.preferredcontentsize = cgsize(width: 320, height: cgfloat(yourarrayvaluescount.count)*90 )      if #available(iosapplicationextension 10.0, *) {         self.extensioncontext?.widgetlargestavailabledisplaymode = .expanded     } else {         // fallback on earlier versions     } }  // ios 10 @available(ios 10.0, *) @available(iosapplicationextension 10.0, *) func widgetactivedisplaymodedidchange(_ activedisplaymode: ncwidgetdisplaymode, withmaximumsize maxsize: cgsize) {     self.preferredcontentsize = (activedisplaymode == .expanded) ? cgsize(width: 320, height: cgfloat(yourarrayvaluescount.count)*90 ) : cgsize(width: maxsize.width, height: 90) } 


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