javascript - Laravel - making vue work with other plugins -
i have project use theme. downloaded , put scripts resources/assets/js
directory. how calling scripts, after run gulp, need page:
<!-- scripts --> <script type="text/javascript" src="" integrity="sha256-hvvnyaiadrto2pzugmuljr8blusjgizsdygmijlv2b8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/material/material.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/material/ripples.min.js"></script> <script>$.material.init()</script> <!-- checkbox, radio & switch plugins --> <script src="/js/bootstrap-checkbox-radio.js"></script> <!-- notifications plugin --> <script src="/js/bootstrap-notify.js"></script> <!-- paper dashboard core javascript , methods demo purpose --> <script src="/js/paper-dashboard.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $.notify({ icon: 'ti-gift', message: "welcome <b>paper dashboard</b> - beautiful bootstrap freebie next project." },{ type: 'success', timer: 4000 }); }); </script> <script src="/js/app.js"></script>
but can't bootstrap notify or tooltip work, if remove app.js working again, vue components not working.
this app.js:
/** * first load of project's javascript dependencies * include vue , vue resource. gives great starting point * building robust, powerful web applications using vue , laravel. */ require('./bootstrap'); var vueresource = require('vue-resource'); /** * next, create fresh vue application instance , attach * body of page. here, may begin adding components * application, or feel free tweak setup needs. */ vue.component('video-upload', require('./components/videoupload.vue')); vue.component('video-player', require('./components/videoplayer.vue')); vue.component('video-voting', require('./components/videovoting.vue')); vue.use(vueresource); const app = new vue({ el: 'body', data: window.videoapp });
and gulpfile:
const elixir = require('laravel-elixir'); require('laravel-elixir-vue'); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | elixir asset management |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | elixir provides clean, fluent api defining basic gulp tasks | laravel application. default, compiling sass | file our application, publishing vendor resources. | */ elixir(mix => { mix.copy('resources/assets/js', 'public/js'); mix.copy('resources/assets/css', 'public/css'); mix.sass('app.scss') .webpack('app.js'); });
i have required craig_h suggested @ bottom of bootstrap.js files this:
require('./bootstrap-checkbox-radio.js'); require('./bootstrap-notify.js'); require('./paper-dashboard.js');
but error:
paper-dashboard.js?16eb:26uncaught referenceerror: lbd not defined(…)
this script paper-dashboard.js:
var fixedtop = false; var navbar_initialized = false; $(document).ready(function(){ window_width = $(window).width(); // init navigation toggle small screens if(window_width <= 991){ lbd.initrightmenu(); } // activate tooltips $('[rel="tooltip"]').tooltip(); }); // activate collapse right menu when windows resized $(window).resize(function(){ if($(window).width() <= 991){ lbd.initrightmenu(); } }); lbd = { misc:{ navbar_menu_visible: 0 }, initrightmenu: function(){ if(!navbar_initialized){ $off_canvas_sidebar = $('nav').find('.navbar-collapse').first().clone(true); $sidebar = $('.sidebar'); sidebar_bg_color = $'background-color'); sidebar_active_color = $'active-color'); $logo = $sidebar.find('.logo').first(); logo_content = $logo[0].outerhtml; ul_content = ''; // set bg color , active color default sidebar off canvas sidebar; $off_canvas_sidebar.attr('data-background-color',sidebar_bg_color); $off_canvas_sidebar.attr('data-active-color',sidebar_active_color); $off_canvas_sidebar.addclass('off-canvas-sidebar'); //add content regular header right menu $off_canvas_sidebar.children('ul').each(function(){ content_buff = $(this).html(); ul_content = ul_content + content_buff; }); // add content sidebar right menu content_buff = $sidebar.find('.nav').html(); ul_content = ul_content + '<li class="divider"></li>'+ content_buff; ul_content = '<ul class="nav navbar-nav">' + ul_content + '</ul>'; navbar_content = logo_content + ul_content; navbar_content = '<div class="sidebar-wrapper">' + navbar_content + '</div>'; $off_canvas_sidebar.html(navbar_content); $('body').append($off_canvas_sidebar); $toggle = $('.navbar-toggle'); $off_canvas_sidebar.find('a').removeclass('btn btn-round btn-default'); $off_canvas_sidebar.find('button').removeclass('btn-round btn-fill btn-info btn-primary btn-success btn-danger btn-warning btn-neutral'); $off_canvas_sidebar.find('button').addclass('btn-simple btn-block'); $ (){ if(lbd.misc.navbar_menu_visible == 1) { $('html').removeclass('nav-open'); lbd.misc.navbar_menu_visible = 0; $('#bodyclick').remove(); settimeout(function(){ $toggle.removeclass('toggled'); }, 400); } else { settimeout(function(){ $toggle.addclass('toggled'); }, 430); div = '<div id="bodyclick"></div>'; $(div).appendto("body").click(function() { $('html').removeclass('nav-open'); lbd.misc.navbar_menu_visible = 0; $('#bodyclick').remove(); settimeout(function(){ $toggle.removeclass('toggled'); }, 400); }); $('html').addclass('nav-open'); lbd.misc.navbar_menu_visible = 1; } }); navbar_initialized = true; } } } // returns function, that, long continues invoked, not // triggered. function called after stops being called // n milliseconds. if `immediate` passed, trigger function on // leading edge, instead of trailing. function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; cleartimeout(timeout); timeout = settimeout(function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }, wait); if (immediate && !timeout) func.apply(context, args); }; };
my apologizes if begginers question, have not used webpack or browserify before don't know how setup of this.
i don't use webpack
use browserify
instead, think problem using packages rely on global variables, if want need use importer, see shimming modules
however, can away requiring them in: /resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
then running gulp
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