Homebrew formula download package -

i need modify formula therion.rb in way on mac os sierra downloads tcl-tk 8.6.6. download bwidget , copy /usr/local/cellar/tcl-tk/8.6.6/lib

i wondering if , how that? added dependency tcl-tk not sure how part bwidget

this formula

class therion < formula   desc "processes survey data , generates maps or 3d models of caves"   homepage "http://therion.speleo.sk"   url "http://therion.speleo.sk/downloads/therion-5.3.16.tar.gz"   sha256 "73cda5225725d3e8cadd6fada9e506ab94b093d4e7a9fc90eaf23f8c7be6eb85"    depends_on "freetype"   depends_on "imagemagick"   depends_on "lcdf-typetools"   depends_on :tex   depends_on "vtk"   depends_on "wxmac"   depends_on "homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk" if macos.version == :sierra    def install     inreplace "makeinstall.tcl" |s|       s.gsub! "/usr/bin", bin       s.gsub! "/etc", etc     end      etc.mkpath     bin.mkpath      system "make", "config-macosx"     system "make"     system "make", "install"   end    test     system "#{bin}/therion", "--version"   end end 


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