jquery - TreeView directory structure in php -

  • how display files , folders available in current directory php (ftp)
  • see attached image example....

tree view image

define('site_url',"http://yourdomain.com");  function listfolderfiles($dir){    $filefolderlist = scandir($dir);    echo '<ul>';    foreach($filefolderlist $filefolder){        if($filefolder != '.' && $filefolder != '..'){            if(!is_dir($dir.'/'.$filefolder)){                echo '<li><a target="_blank" href="'.site_url.'/'.ltrim($dir.'/'.$filefolder,'./').'">'.$filefolder.'</a>';            } else {                echo '<li>'.$filefolder;            }            if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$filefolder)) listfolderfiles($dir.'/'.$filefolder);                echo '</li>';            }    }    echo '</ul>'; } listfolderfiles('uploads/'); // function call directory path (e.g. : upload/)  


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