jquery - Error in setValue on overriding afterRender method of combobox. extjs -
my code combobox below
{ xtype: 'combobox', id: 'menuitemscombo', fieldlabel: "items", name: 'menuitem', store: this.itemsstore, valuefield: 'id', displayfield: 'longname', editable: false, emptytext: 'none', typeahead: false, multiselect: true, querymode: 'local', tabindex: 25, labelwidth: 195, fieldcls: 'text-field-height-style', forceselection: false, listconfig: { loadingtext: '', loadingcls: 'x-wrap-cls x-mask' }, cls: 'combobox-taxesedit' }
i have below afterrender method overridden combobox in file.
afterrender: function () { try { if (this.store) { if (this.store.superclass.$classname == "data.store" || this.store.superclass.$classname == "ext.data.chainedstore") { if (this.store.isloaded() == false && this.store.isloading() == false) //if (this.store.superclass.$classname == "data.estore") this.store.load(); } } var emp; if (this.up('form')) { emp = this.up('form').getrecord(); } if (emp) { var modelrecord = emp.data[this.name]; if (array.isarray(modelrecord)) { var recordarray = new array(); (var = 0; < modelrecord.length; i++) { if (modelrecord[i]) if (modelrecord[i].id) recordarray.push(modelrecord[i].id); } this.setvalue(recordarray); } else if (ext.isobject(modelrecord)) { this.setvalue(modelrecord.id); } }; this.callparent(arguments); this.sethiddenvalue(me.value); } catch (ex) { } }
i not able trace exact problem on debugging seems near
since found when length of recordarray 0, code below not executed , debugger comes out of try block.
i not sure exact problem id facing problem after upgraded sencha version 6.0.2 6.2. error getting in ext-all-rtl-debug.js
[e] error while running task - typeerror: cannot read property 'length' of null caller: function () { var me = this, items = me.items.getrange(), = 0, len = items.length, anim; //ext.log(' executing anim runner task ', len, ' items'); me.targetarr = {}; // single timestamp animations interval me.timestamp = new date(); // loop start new animations first before looping // execute running animations (which include animations // started in loop). subtle difference // iterating in 1 loop , starting running each animation, // separating loops necessary ensure new animations // kick off prior existing ones regardless of array order. // otherwise in edge cases when there excess latency in overall // performance, allowing existing animations run before new ones can // lead dropped frames , subtle race conditions when // interdependent, case element fx. (; < len; i++) { anim = items[i]; if (anim.isready()) { //ext.log('starting anim ', anim.id, ', target: ', anim.target.id); me.startanim(anim); } } (i = 0; < len; i++) { anim = items[i]; if (anim.isrunning()) { //ext.log(' running anim ', anim.target.id); me.runanim(anim); } } //else if (!me.usecss3) { // when using css3 transitions animations paused since not // needed once transition handed on browser, can // ignore case. if doing js animations , // paused here it's possibly unintentional. //ext.log(' (i) anim ', anim.id, ' active not running...'); //} // apply pending changes targets me.applypendingattrs(); // avoid retaining target references after finished anims me.targetarr = null; }
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