codenameone - Hand coded GUI build failed in Codename One -

in project started create form gui builder did not feel comfortable tool. consequently rather hand coded based on demo example

i should mention changed name hand coded form mainform mainform2 , using netbeans latest availabel plugin of cn1 (updated november 7th 2016). each , every simulator run (when click on ide play button) error :

ant -f /home/blablah/cn1project run processing gui builder file: /home/blablah/cn1project/src/mypackage/ /home/blablah/cn1project/build.xml:469: gui builder source file corrupt, don't edit below/above line comments seem missing or modified! errccode a: -1 errcode b: -1 build failed (total time: 0 seconds)

line 469 reads :  <generateguisources srcdir="src" encoding="utf-8" guidir="res/guibuilder" />

i understand error message , can confirm line comments missing since did create form manually. yet if click second time on play button simulator runs without error. please note same behaviour appears if send build cn1 server (two clicks needed).

what's proper way of creating manually form (as shown in demo codes), should create via new cn1/ gui builder form or can add comments make compiling process happier ?

any appreciated,

in project directory under res/guibuilder , in hierarchy find .gui file matching java source file. delete , file stop being gui builder file.


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