swift - How to show activity indicator while passing between view controller -

lets have 2 viewcontrollers, in mainviewcontroller have button performs segue secondviewcontroller. when button tapped, i'm saving initial data coredata, takes time.

here thing want do; while passing between viewcontrollers, want show activityindicator, starts after secondviewcontroller opened. me? i'm new swift.

here code used in mainvc:

override func prepare(for segue: uistoryboardsegue, sender: any?) {          if (segue.identifier == "secondviewcontroller") {              swiftspinner.show("loading") // act. indicator found on github              willrunonce() // here im saving data coredata              swiftspinner.hide()         }      } 

instead of adding code of activityindicator in prepare(for:sender:) method need call in button action , after call performsegue(withidentifier:sender:) method.

@ibaction func onbtnskip(_ sender: uibutton) {      swiftspinner.show("loading") // act. indicator found on github     willrunonce() // here im saving data coredata     swiftspinner.hide()      //now performsegue      self.performsegue(withidentifier: "identifier", sender: nil) } 


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