php - Codeception + PhantomJS: how to open a new tab and switch to it -

i have acceptance test codeception. phantomjs configured webdriver. on page, have link has target="_blank" . problem is, when instruct codeception click on it, not focus on newly opened tab. hence test fails.


$i->click('my link opens new tab'); 

what have tried:

$i->switchtowindow('title of new window'); // doesn't work $i->see('some text in new tab'); // doesn't work 

my acceptance.suite.yml:

class_name: acceptancetester modules:     enabled:        - webdriver        - \helper\acceptance     config:         webdriver:             url: 'http://localhost'             browser: 'phantomjs'             port: 5555             window_size: '1024x768' 

does have idea?

i have found solution, in case there other suffering developer soul out there:

$i->executeinselenium(function (\facebook\webdriver\remote\remotewebdriver $webdriver) { $handles = $webdriver->getwindowhandles(); $lastwindow = end($handles); $webdriver->switchto()->window($lastwindow); 



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