javascript - Can I call commit from one of mutations in Vuex store -

i have vuex store, following:

import spreeapi '../../gateways/spree-api' // initial state const state = {   products: [],   categories: [] }  // mutations const mutations = {  set_products: (state, response) => {    state.products =    commit('set_categories')  },  set_categories: (state) => {    state.categories = { return product.category})  }  }  const actions = {  fetch_products: (state, filters) => {    return spreeapi.get('products').then(response => state.commit('set_products', response))  } }  export default {   state,   mutations,   actions } 

i want call mutation: set_categories mutation: set_products, gives me error:

projectfilter.js:22 uncaught (in promise) referenceerror: commit not defined(…)

what should correct way this. tried store.commit , this.commit, these gave similar errors.

when doing mutation, there no way commit mutation. mutation synchronous call changes state. within 1 mutation, not able commit mutation.

here api reference vuex:

as can see, mutation handler receives state , payload, nothing more. therefore getting commit undefined.

in case above, can set product , categories part of same mutation handler single commit. can try if following code works:

// mutations const mutations = {     set_products_and_categories: (state, response) => {         state.products =         state.categories = { return product.category})     },     // ... } 


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