php - Why if($tech[0] == "HTML") is not working in the following code and the echo output is not generated -

in following code, if condition not working?? when echoing code $tech[0] giving output html, when doing in mentioned way if condition not working. may know reason when giving code <?php if(1) { echo "hey"; } ?> output generated hey.

code follows:

    <?php     include('connection.php');     //$row=array();     if(isset($_get['id']) && !empty($_get['id']) && $_get['action']== 'edit'){     $fetch ="select * students id=".$_get['id'];     $selectrow =mysqli_query($conn,$fetch);     $row =mysqli_fetch_array($selectrow);      $tech = explode(',',$row['technologies_known']) ;      if($tech[0] == "html")     {     echo 'hey';      }      }     ?> 

after row please check if getting in arrays.

echo '<pre>'; print_r($row); 

also after explode please check again printing array

echo '<pre>'; print_r($tech); 


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