ios - Swift: Autoplay and auto fullScreen for youtube video -

i have embed youtube videos in swift application. video have played automatically after button click , in fullscreen mode. have searched lot , have found many ways exists embed youtube videos not of them support autoplay , auto fullscreen. have tested code video not autoplayed , it’s not automatically showed in fullscreen mode:

 let webview:uiwebview = uiwebview(frame: cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: uiscreen.main.bounds.width, height: uiscreen.main.bounds.height))         self.view.addsubview(webview)          webview.allowsinlinemediaplayback = true         let myvideo = ""          let myhtml = "<iframe width=\"\(webview.frame.size.width)\" height=\"\(webview.frame.size.height)\" src=\"\(myvideo)?autoplay=1\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=1></iframe>"          webview.loadhtmlstring(myhtml, baseurl: nil)         webview.mediaplaybackrequiresuseraction = false 

can please tell me best way satisfy conditions cited above (autoplay , auto full screen) between code, youtube-player-ios-helper , swift-youtube-player or if have other suggestions.


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