amazon web services - Change password using AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider -

i'm trying figure out how use changepassword function of aws.cognitoidentityserviceprovider.

i need pass following params:

{   previouspassword: 'string_value', /* required */   proposedpassword: 'string_value', /* required */   accesstoken: 'string_value' } 

i use inside lambda function, how hold of access token? have cognitoidentitypoolid , cognitoidentityid use, can't understand access token is.

the identity pool id , identity id cognito federated identities concepts, while changepassword api user pools one. 2 different services - think of user pools identity provider identity pool.

the short version can access token signing in user in user pool. doing returns access token, id token, , refresh token. being said, common theme use admin versions of various user pool apis on lambda side, since may not have user credentials there.


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