xml - The content of element type "interceptor" must match "(param)*" -

i working struts2.5.5 using maven.

i got error in interceptor tag:

the content of element type "interceptor" must match "(param)*"

in struts.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <!doctype struts public     "-//apache software foundation//dtd struts configuration 2.5//en"     "http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.5.dtd">  <struts>    <package name="default" namespace="/action" extends="struts-default">       <interceptors>         <interceptor name="authenticationinterceptor" class="authenticationinterceptor">         <interceptor-stack name="securestack">             <interceptor-ref name="authenticationinterceptor"></interceptor-ref>             <interceptor-ref name="defaultstack"></interceptor-ref>         </interceptor-stack>        </interceptor>      </interceptors>      <action name="login">        <result>login.jsp</result>      </action>      <action name="loginaction" class="loginaction">        <result name="success" type="redirectaction">          <param name="actionname">task</param>          <param name="namespace">/action</param>        </result>        <result name="input">login.jsp</result>      </action>    </package> </struts> 

the interceptor element not closed:

<interceptor name="authenticationinterceptor" class="authenticationinterceptor"> 

hence it's trying take <interceptor-stack> declaration body, while expects <param> elemen in position.

just self-close tag:

<interceptor name="authenticationinterceptor" class="authenticationinterceptor" /> 


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