How can I obtain mutants files (.class or .java) on disks? Is there a suitable mutation testing tools to recommend? -

i conducting mutation testing on java programs , need conduct research on mutants files. how can obtain mutants files on disk?

i have tried mujava , pit.

however, mujava may report exceptions when comes complex annotations , structures, , pit seems report final mutation kill/fail report , don't enable users find specific internal mutants generated.

is there tool can more useful , enable me mutants generated .class or .java files?

if can code there raw way in can mutated / changed files list using watch service feature of java 7.

watchservice watcher = filesystems.getdefault().newwatchservice(); 

then register watchservice given directory following:

path dir = paths.get("path/to/watched/directory"); dir.register(watcher, entry_create, entry_delete, entry_modify); 

example - how use.

while (true) {     watchkey key;     try {         // wait key available         key = watcher.take();     } catch (interruptedexception ex) {         return;     }      (watchevent<?> event : key.pollevents()) {         // event type         watchevent.kind<?> kind = event.kind();          // file name         @suppresswarnings("unchecked")         watchevent<path> ev = (watchevent<path>) event;         path filename = ev.context();          system.out.println( + ": " + filename);          if (kind == overflow) {             continue;         } else if (kind == entry_create) {              // process create event          } else if (kind == entry_delete) {              // process delete event          } else if (kind == entry_modify) {              // process modify event          }     }      // important: key must reset after processed     boolean valid = key.reset();     if (!valid) {         break;     } 


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