c# - Emgu 3.1 exit application after CVInvoke.FindContours -

i trying work emug 3.1 in visualstudio 2015 using c#.

so tried find contours find ellipses, not far :

            mat sobel_out = new mat();             umat thres_out = new umat();             mat hierachy = new mat();              vectorofvectorofpointf contours = new vectorofvectorofpointf();              // detect edges using sobel                              cvinvoke.sobel(ocvimage, sobel_out, emgu.cv.cvenum.depthtype.cv32f,1,0,3);              // make binary out of sobel             cvinvoke.threshold(sobel_out, thres_out, krset.kr_lowerthreshold, krset.kr_upperthreshold, emgu.cv.cvenum.thresholdtype.binary);             image<gray, byte> img = thres_out.toimage<gray, byte>();             // find contours                        cvinvoke.findcontours(thres_out, contours, hierachy, emgu.cv.cvenum.retrtype.list, emgu.cv.cvenum.chainapproxmethod.chainapproxsimple); 

after findcontours method, application exit following message in output window:

exception thrown: 'emgu.cv.util.cvexception' in emgu.cv.world.dll system.transactions critical: 0 : http://msdn.microsoft.com/tracecodes/system/activitytracing/2004/07/reliability/exception/unhandledunhandled exceptionrandauswertung_subimg.vshost.exeemgu.cv.util.cvexception, emgu.cv.world, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=7281126722ab4438opencv: mtype == type0 || (cv_mat_cn(mtype) == cv_mat_cn(type0) &amp;&amp; ((1 &lt;&lt; type0) &amp; fixeddepthmask) != 0) @ emgu.cv.cvinvoke.cverrorhandler(int32 status, intptr funcname, intptr errmsg, intptr filename, int32 line, intptr userdata) in c:\emgucv\emgu.cv\pinvoke\cvinvokecore.cs:line 140 @ emgu.cv.cvinvoke.cvefindcontours(intptr image, intptr contours, intptr hierarchy, retrtype mode, chainapproxmethod method, point&amp; offset)

can explain me happens here , steps need take handle issue ... ?

thanks in advance.


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