Volley Service calling issue in OnResume() android -
hi doing application in have call service inside onresume() method of activity. goes fine,but when application went background time , come volley not responding.below code
private void searchopportunitiesgooglemethod() { string userregid; final progressdialog ringprogressdialog = progressdialog.show(quizactivity.this, "please wait ...", "fetching data nearby ...", true); norecordfound.setvisibility(view.invisible); ringprogressdialog.setcancelable(false); final jsonobject child = new jsonobject(); if (session.getuserregisterid() == null) { userregid = "0"; } else { userregid = session.getuserregisterid(); } try { try { child.put("location", signinactivity.nwlocation.getlatitude() + "," + signinactivity.nwlocation.getlongitude()); child.put("categories", ""); child.put("types", ""); child.put("moduleid", moduleid); child.put("keywords", ""); child.put("pageno", 1); child.put("pagesize", 10); } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } string radiosstrval; if (categoryselectionactivity.radiostagval.equals("km")) { radiosstrval = session.getradiousname(); } else { radiosstrval = session.getradiousname(); double b = integer.parseint(radiosstrval) * 1.6; radiosstrval = string.valueof(b); } child.put("radius", radiosstrval); child.put("userregisterid", userregid); child.put("state", locationadd.getstate()); child.put("country", locationadd.getcountry1()); child.put("locationflag", "not changed"); //toast.maketext(this, "above child catch",toast.length_short).show(); } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); ringprogressdialog.dismiss(); // toast.maketext(this, "below child object",toast.length_short).show(); } try { jsonobjectrequest jsobjrequest = null; try { jsobjrequest = new jsonobjectrequest( request.method.post, myurl, child, new response.listener<jsonobject>() { @override public void onresponse(jsonobject response) { try { //not called when app backgrounded time log.d("tag", "response volley"); ongoing = response .getjsonarray("listongoing"); if (ongoing != null) { if (ongoing.length() != 0) { livecount.settext("(" + ongoing.length() + ")"); } } upcoming = response .getjsonarray("listupcoming"); expire = response .getjsonarray("listexpire"); if (expire != null) { if (expire.length() != 0) { expiredcount.settext("(" + expire.length() + ")"); } } chkboxexpired.setenabled(true); // chkboxupcoming.setenabled(true); if (mproductlistadapter == null) { mproductlistadapter = new productlistadapter(mcontext, mproductlistadapter, lv, quizactivity.arraylist, "userlist"); lv.setadapter(mproductlistadapter); mproductlistadapter.notifydatasetchanged(); // dialogpro.cancel(); ringprogressdialog.dismiss(); mswiperefreshlayout.setrefreshing(false); } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); ringprogressdialog.dismiss(); } // dialogpro.cancel(); ringprogressdialog.dismiss(); } }, new response.errorlistener() { @override public void onerrorresponse( volleyerror error) { ringprogressdialog.dismiss(); } }); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); ringprogressdialog.dismiss(); } if (jsobjrequest != null) { jsobjrequest.setretrypolicy(new defaultretrypolicy(0, defaultretrypolicy.default_max_retries, defaultretrypolicy.default_backoff_mult)); } appcontroller.getinstance().addtorequestqueue(jsobjrequest); } catch (exception e) { // dialogpro.cancel(); log.d("tag", "catch"); ringprogressdialog.dismiss(); e.printstacktrace(); } }
this onresume() method
@override protected void onresume() { try { super.onresume(); searchopportunitiesgooglemethod(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); toast.maketext(this, e.getmessage(), toast.length_long).show(); } }
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